
The National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is a major player in basic research on the global stage and the only organisation in France that is active in all fields of science. Its unique position as a specialist in multiple fields means that it can bring together different scientific disciplines to shed light on and gain insight into current global challenges, in partnership with public sector, social and economic stakeholders. Together the sciences are used to bring about sustainable progress that benefits the whole of society.
Humankind and the planet are facing global changes that will create new challenges for research to address: limiting the effects of and adapting to climate change; increasing food security and nutrition security; transitioning to new agricultural systems; preserving natural resources; restoring biodiversity; and anticipating and managing risks. It will also be important to consider more regional issues like living conditions, farmers' salaries, the economic competitiveness of companies, land use, and universal access to healthy and varied diets. As the world's top institute for research on agriculture, food, and the environment*, INRAE will help address these concerns. It will use research, innovation, and support for public policies as tools to guide the emergence of sustainable agricultural and food production systems. The institute aims to carry out science dedicated to life, humans, and the Earth that uncovers solutions to our most pressing concerns.
Université Savoie Mont-Blanc Université Savoie Mont-Blanc
With 15,000 students, a rich, multi-disciplinary academics offering and 18 internationally recognized research laboratories,Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Chambéry) is a human-scale establishment that combines proximity to the local area with a broad outlook on Europe and the world. Between Geneva, Turin, Lyon and Grenoble, on the borders of Switzerland and Italy, and with the unfailing support of the communities that gave birth to it, it is a major regional and cross-border player in social, economic and cultural development.
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