Topic I - Advances in limnogeology > I-6-Merging outcrop and sediment coring in paleolimnology and limnogeology


  1. Nicolas Waldmann (Dr Strauss Department of Marine Geosciences, University of Haifa, Israel)
  2. Mike McGlue (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky, USA)
  3. Gabriela Zanor (Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Guanajuato, Mexico)
  4. Karina Leticia Lecomte (Center for Earth Sciences Studies (CICTERRA), National University of Cordoba, Argentina)

Paleolimnology and limnogeology rely on reconstructing past environmental and climatic conditions using lacustrine archives. Traditionally, sediment coring has provided high-resolution, continuous records, while outcrop studies have offered spatially extensive and stratigraphically integrated insights. Merging these two approaches enhances our ability to interpret past lake systems by combining the temporal precision of cores with the contextual framework of outcrop exposures. This session aims to gather scientists using innovative methodologies with case studies that integrate sediment coring and outcrop data in paleolimnological and limnogeological research. We aim to explore how the combined approach refines interpretations of depositional environments, improves chronological constraints, and reveals basin-wide processes such as lake-level fluctuations, sedimentary dynamics, biological indicators, and climate-driven changes. Advances in geochronology, sedimentology, and geochemical analysis are welcomed, with holistic studies that showcase their role in bridging the gap between core-derived records and outcrop interpretations.

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