Topic VIII - Type of lake: synthesis and advances > VIII-6-Imprints of natural and anthropogenic environmental changes in crater lakes


  1. Nathalie Fagel (Université de Liège, Argiles Géochimie et Environnements sédimentaires  (AGEs), Département de Géologie, Liège, Belgium) 
  2. Marttiina Rantala  (Université de Liège, Argiles Géochimie et Environnements sédimentaires  (AGEs), Département de Géologie, Liège, Belgium) 
  3. Nadine Mattielli (Laboratoire Géochimie, Traçage Isotopique, Minéral et élémentaire - Bruxelles, Belgium) 
  4. Isabel Israde-Alcantara (Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencas de la Tierra  (IICT), Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico) 

Crater lakes hold important value as sites of cultural heritage and geoheritage. These unique aquatic ecosystems can also provide a valuable window into environmental transitions at both local and global scale. Due to their distinctive morphology, these closed systems have the potential to accumulate continuous, high-resolution records of environmental variability. Yet others are highly volatile systems bearing evidence of abrupt environmental changes. This session invites a wide variety of contributions discussing natural or human imprints in the physicochemical or biological features of the water column and/or the sedimentary record of crater lakes. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, patterns and consequences of climate variability – from long-term trends to short-term fluctuations and from recent times to the distant past – as well as of a suite of human perturbations affecting these peculiar systems. The session is open to research contributions drawing on paleolimnological time-series, modern observation, experimentation or modeling, and welcomes especially research integrating multiple approaches.

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