Topic I - Advances in limnogeology > I-5-Sedimentology and stratigraphy in lake records through Earth history


  1. Guilherme Bozetti (Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Strasbourg, France)
  2. Alexis Nutz (CEREGE, Aix-Marseille Université, IRD, INRAE, Aix en Provence, France)
  3. Thomas Dodd (British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

Lake basins are relatively heterogeneous and small-sized when compared to marine basins, with diverse depositional settings and rapidly changing conditions represented by variable facies and stratigraphic packaging. Lacustrine successions record clues to understanding the physical and chemical processes involved in sedimentation, the dynamic responses to water (plus sediment) input, and local variability that relates to lake-basin development. Spatially, the sediments reflect changing rates of subsidence and erosion, sediment supply routes, and local and regional control by active faulting and folding as well as mantle-driven topography. Studies that employ detailed sedimentology and focus on deciphering patterns in stratigraphy are essential to reconstruct the processes and conditions operating in lacustrine systems, especially when integrated with other proxies (e.g., paleoecology, geochemistry, mineralogy). This session invites submissions that highlight the significance of sedimentology and stratigraphy for understanding lacustrine successions in case studies throughout Earth history.

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