Topic VIII - Type of lake: synthesis and advances > VIII-7-Current and past lakes in planetary bodies of the solar system, and their terrestrial analogues on Earth


  1. Nicolas Mangold (LPG, Nantes, France)
  2. Francesco Salese  (IRSPS, Pescara, Italy) 

This session will cover the geomorphology, sedimentology and  physico-chemical environment of lakes in planetary bodies of the solar  system, namely on Mars and Titan. We welcome studies on Mars focusing on paleolakes and their environment of deposition from orbital or in-situ rover data, as well as those focusing on current subglacial lakes.  Studies on Titan can include space probe data analysis or theoretical studies on chemical species present in current lakes. We also welcome studies on planetary analogues on Earth that would bring to light on some of the landforms observed on planetary bodies. 

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