Topic III - Environmental issues > III-1-Furthering the relationship between palaeolimnology and conservation


  1. Ben Siggery (University of Surrey/Surrey Wildlife Trust, UK)
  2. Jorge Salgado (University College London, UK)
  3. Kathryn Hargan (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)

Palaeolimnology has a strong track record of successful application to conservation challenges and has proved a useful tool to inform various questions, from species reintroductions to habitat management and restoration. Despite this, there remains a disconnect between conservation practitioners and palaeolimnologists, leading to missed opportunities for better integration where the synergies of working together could lead to better environmental outcomes. We invite researchers to share best practice and case studies of co-produced research where palaeolimnology has been used to directly inform conservation practice, and the divide between research and practice has been successfully bridged. These case studies will be used to better understand best practice for collaboration and provide guidance for improved palaeo-conservation integration.

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