Topic IV - Critical zone and integrated approaches > IV-4-Hydrothermal and groundwater influences on lacustrine sedimentation and paleoecology: A tribute to Michael Rosen


  1. Jennifer J. Scott (Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada)
  2. R. Bernhart Owen (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong)
  3. Robin W. Renaut (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

Lakes in many regions are variably fed by hot springs and geothermal fluids, whether from the lake margins, the lake floor, or within the drainage basin. This is especially true for tectonic and volcanic lake basins. In other locations, particularly in closed basins in semi-arid regions (notably playas and saline pans) and karstic terrains, groundwater may be the primary source of inflow. In both cases, the influence of groundwater recharge may vary seasonally and with climate change. This session aims to explore how hydrothermal fluids and groundwaters affect lake hydrology, hydrochemistry, sedimentation (both physical and chemical), mineralogy and geochemistry, and the biota. A secondary objective is to establish criteria for recognizing their influence in the limnogeological record.

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