Topic VIII - Type of lake: synthesis and advances > VIII-9-Linking varved sediment records to changing lake systems


  1. Saija Saarni, University of Turku, Finland
  2. Cecile Blanchet, GFZ Potsdam, Germany
  3. Celia Martin Puertas, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
  4. Adrian Palmer, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.


Varves, annual laminations deposited at the bottom of lakes, can reflect past changes through their physical and chemical composition as well as through microfossil assemblages preserved in the seasonal layers. Each lake system is unique and the high temporal resolution, over centennial and millennial scales, enables linking processes mediating past changes within the lake system and its catchment with varve composition. The varved record provides, thus, information on forcing factors such as climate conditions, evolution of the local landscape and anthropogenic impacts. This session welcomes scientific contributions that investigate varved records, from short-term monitoring to long-term reconstructions, to understand how lakes and regional environments responded to external forcing. This session is organized by the Varve Working Group (PAGES) and aims to discuss varved records from diverse lake systems and illuminate the potential of varve research to inform adaptation strategies and mitigate adverse climatic or environmental changes.


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