
OUR meeting !


The goal of the IAL-IPA joint meetings is to celebrate research on lakes from multiple perspectives with a focus on the sediment record as both Earth System Archives and social and cultural memories of Human societies.

This conference aims to bridge the gap across a broad range of disciplines that work within the overarching theme of Earth System and Climate-Environment-Cultural changes.

In 2025 we will gather in the lovely thermal city of Aix-Les-Bains.

There we'll be in the vicinity of Université Savoie Mont-Blanc scientfic campus that hosts some of  most active labs in France working on lake sediment records and on the shore of Lake Bourget, which sediment accumulation has been intensively studied for decades.

The orgnisation committee will be keen to welcome you in Savoie !


Call for session proposal


The whole Paleolimnology and Limnogeology community is invited to propose sessions up to october 2024

To do so, please send an e-mail to the organisers :


Each proposition should contain a title, a short (< 10 lines) abstract

and a list of 2 to 4 potential convenors


Call for side events and short courses


The organising committee wishes to offer organised group of people (programmes, projects, associations, etc.) the possibility to set side events.

2 schemes are possible:

- Private meetings, at the "Centre des congrès" on Wednesday afternoon (when no session will run); small room may be booked;

- Short courses, at the Universtiy Savoie Mont-Blanc the week before and/or after the congress; a 40 person room may be booked;


Any interested group of persons should contact the organisers as early as possible @ :


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